BAOA’s Update
1. BAOA BizAvIndia Conference on 24th March 2025 at New Delhi
- BizAv India 2025 Conference (March 24th) was a grand success, with enthusiastic participation from members and distinguished guests. The event reinforced BAOA’s advocacy for business aviation and facilitated key discussions on policy reforms and industry growth. High-level participation underscored the sector’s increasing relevance in India’s aviation landscape. Members can view event photos via the provided link (BizAvIndia 2025). Those interested in conference presentations may request copies at
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 27.01.2025 under the Chairmanship of DG, DGCA
- DGCA has released the minutes of the meeting held on January 27, 2025, under the chairmanship of the DG. Members are requested to review the attached minutes and share inputs on issues such as AAC 02/03 of 2023, FDTL for long-range flights, EDTO, Night VFR/IFR for helicopters, and CAP 3300 (Pilot Training). A follow-up meeting with DGCA is planned for late April. Inputs and new discussion points should be submitted by April 15, 2025.
3. Delhi’s Multi-Year Tariff Plan (MYTP)
- BAOA submitted a balanced response to ensure business aviation interests are well-represented while maintaining fair infrastructure costs. DIAL’s Director, Mr. K.N. Rao, reaffirmed their commitment to addressing GA/BA industry requirements at Delhi Airport.
4. Navi Mumbai Airport (NMIL) – AUCC Meeting
- BAOA emphasized the need for long-term planning to accommodate General and Business Aviation (GABA) growth. Seamless integration of GA/BA operations is essential for the airport’s future. Encouragingly, the new runway is set to become operational by June, ensuring seamless operations with over five slots per hour for GA/BA aircraft
5. MIAL (CSMIA) MYTP Stakeholders Meeting
- BAOA strongly advocated for rationalizing aeronautical vs. non-aeronautical services at airports like MIAL and DIAL, which signed OMDA contracts before the AERA Act (2009). Ensuring fair and transparent pricing for essential aeronautical services is crucial for sustaining business aviation at public airports.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
1. AERA Consultation Paper No. 07/2024-25 – Aeronautical Tariff at IGI Airport, Delhi
- Comments have been submitted to advocate for a balanced and phased approach to the User Development Fee (UDF), ensuring affordability for all operators while maintaining airport financial stability.
- Moving forward, BAOA will engage with AERA and stakeholders to ensure tariff structures remain transparent, equitable, and supportive of non-scheduled operations, particularly regarding fair and optimal slot allocations for operations and parking.
2. Letter to DG, DGCA – Facilitating Different Owner-Operator Models for Aircraft Import
- Advocated for a flexible ownership framework to facilitate aircraft acquisition where the owner is different from the operator, benefiting businesses such as corporate hospitals. This approach will drive fleet growth and promote professional aircraft management companies in India.
- The next steps involve working with DGCA to streamline policy frameworks, ensuring broader participation from corporate entities and individuals in business aviation.
3. Letter to HMCA – Urgent Action on Infrastructure Constraints for Small Aircraft and Helicopters
- Raised concerns over the lack of dedicated infrastructure, parking, and operational flexibility for small aircraft and helicopters, emphasizing the need for immediate policy interventions.
- BAOA will push for faster approvals, optimized airport planning, and rationalized regulatory requirements to enhance connectivity and operational efficiency.
4. Letter to HMCA – Approval & Implementation of Fractional Ownership Policy
- Stressed the urgent need for approval and implementation of the fractional ownership model, which can significantly expand access to business aviation and optimize aircraft utilization in India.
- Future efforts will focus on demonstrating to policymakers that fractional ownership is a game-changer for the NSOP industry, benefiting operators and high-net-worth individuals alike.
5. Letter to DG, GST – Clarification on GST Applicability for Non-Scheduled Operators
- Sought nationwide clarity on GST interpretation for charter operations to ensure tax consistency and fair treatment for non-scheduled operators.
- BAOA will continue working with the Ministry of Finance and GST authorities to resolve ambiguities and advocate for a fair GST framework with the right rate application for NSOP operations to support industry growth.
6. Letter to Hon’ble Minister of Finance – Removal of 2.5% Basic Customs Duty & Sunset Clause Extension
- Urged the government to abolish the 2.5% customs duty on non-scheduled aircraft imports to prevent unnecessary financial burdens on the industry. Additionally, opposed any further extensions of the 15-year sunset clause, advocating for equal treatment of scheduled and non-scheduled commercial operations to ensure optimal NSOP industry growth and fleet modernization.
- Future efforts will focus on strengthening NSOP and business aviation with favorable tax policies, encouraging fleet expansion and economic development.
These updates reinforce BAOA’s proactive engagement in addressing key industry challenges and advocating for progressive policies to drive sustainable growth in India’s business and general aviation sectors.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Meeting with DG, DGCA to Address Pending Issues of NSOP/GA/BA Operators – The newly appointed Director General, DGCA held meeting with BAOA representatives and 15 industry members on 27th January 2025 at DGCA Headquarters. Senior DGCA officials actively participated in this 90-minute discussion, where key industry issues were deliberated in detail. A significant outcome of this meeting was the DG’s acceptance to regular monthly interactions with our industry representatives to ensure steady progress on critical matters. Attached are the draft minutes of the meeting, which have been sent to DGCA for final approval. The final version will be shared with members once received. Members are encouraged to submit additional industry issues that need to be addressed in the next meeting with DGCA. Please email your inputs to MD BAOA by 7th February 2025.
- Grant of Infrastructure Status for GA/BA Industry – A Key Budget Proposal – The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) is actively working on a long-term roadmap to accelerate the growth of the General and Business Aviation (GA/BA) industry. Concerns have been raised at the highest levels regarding the sector’s muted growth, prompting immediate action. One of the critical proposals under consideration is granting infrastructure status to GA/BA, which would provide significant policy and financial benefits. BAOA has submitted a detailed justification paper to MoCA in support of this initiative, emphasizing the crucial role of small aircraft and helicopters in India’s aviation ecosystem. We remain actively engaged with MoCA in shaping a comprehensive vision document to drive sustainable growth in the sector.
- GST Clarification for NSOP Air Transportation – Letter to Chairperson, GST Council – Following our letter to the Additional Secretary, GST Council last month, BAOA continues to push for a clear and consistent clarification of GST rates (5%/12%) applicable to air transportation services provided by NSOP operators. To escalate the matter, we have sought intervention from the Hon’ble Finance Minister (Chairperson, GST Council), urging an immediate resolution to prevent further ambiguity. Please find attached the letter sent to the Finance Minister. We encourage members to review and share their insights or any additional concerns.
- Urgent Clarification on Sunset Clause of 2009 – 2.5% Import Duty on NSOP Aircraft – BAOA has formally requested the Hon’ble Finance Minister to address the continuation of the 2.5% customs duty on NSOP aircraft, which was originally introduced in 2009 with a 15-year validity, set to expire on 31st March 2024. We are advocating for equal treatment of NSOP and scheduled operators in customs duty policies, as was the case before 2009. Discussions are ongoing with MoCA to secure their support in this regard. The attached letter to the Finance Minister outlines our position. BAOA will continue to push aggressively for a fair resolution.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Letter to Shri Pankaj Kumar Singh, Addl. Secretary, GST Council on Reiteration of GST Rates of 5% and 12% for Air Transport of Passengers by Non-Scheduled Operators dt. 19 December 2024: Members would recall that, after consistent efforts of over two years, BAOA was able to get GST Council issue clarification on 5% rate applicable to helicopter flights on seat-sharing basis. During this process, we had objected to mention of the line ‘however charter operations would continue attract 18% rate’ in the initial press release of the GST Council. Thereafter, in the final minutes of the Council this extra line, of 18% rate, got deleted. Our efforts to keep reiterating 5/12% as the only GST slabs applicable to AT operations are continuing. Members are requested to see the latest letter written to GST Council in this regard. It would help our cause if members discuss this letter with their respective CAs. MD BAOA would request a separate meeting with CAs who disagree with the letter.
- Letter to Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation on Request for Progress on Key Issues for Business Aviation dt. 26 November 2024: Please see the attached letter written to HMCA. This letter has been discussed with HMCA by Hon’ble MP and we are presently focused on preparing Statement of Case(SOC) for recategorisation of AT Operations in India on the line of FAA regulations, adapted to Indian conditions. The finalised SOC would be shared with members soon. The same is likely to be discussed during the next meeting of NSOP/GA operators in DGCA HQ planned for January 2025.
- Letter to Shri DC Sharma, DG, DGCA on Request for Meeting with BAOA to Address Pending Issues dt. 19 November 2024: Please see the attached letter written to DG, DGCA prior to meeting with him on 21st November 2024. Preliminary discussions on the directorate wise listed points took place with concerned officers of DGCA present during the meeting with DG. It was decided to have detailed meeting in DGCA HQ on all the listed issues during January 2025, after the conclusion of winter session of the parliament.
- Letter to Mr. Sandeep Aggarwal, Airport Director, Amritsar Airport on Follow-up Comments after AUCC Meeting held on 29th November 2024 & Minutes of AUCC Meeting: MD BAOA attended the AUCC meeting at Amritsar airport on 29th November 2024. This interaction was quite meaningful and we have emphasised on the need to create specific infrastructure for BA/GA industry as part of further development taking place at the airport. Further details we discussions regarding Amritsar airport would take place in AERA next month.
- Letter to Mr. Arun Bansal, Chief Executive Officer, AAHL on Representation Against Tender Notice Issued on 28th October 2024 for Hangar Operations at Navi Mumbai International Airport: Please see the attached letter written to group head of Adani Airports Holdings Ltd expressing our reservations regarding the procedure being followed for allotment of hangars at Navi Mumbai to business aircraft operators. We have sought complete transparency, equality and fairness for allotting the hangars at the upcoming Green Field airport. We are watchfully monitoring the situation to consider any further action, including exercising legal option, if so required.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- BAOA AGM and networking dinner: As already intimated, our next AGM will take place on 18th November 2024 at Seminar Halls, India International Centre, Max Muller Marg, New Delhi 110003, followed up by networking dinner. The AGM starts at 5:30 pm and expected to conclude by 7:30pm. All members are requested to attend the AGM and participate in the open-house discussions regarding issues faced by our industry. Further, members are welcome to send suggestions on agenda items to be included for the AGM. Suggestions on agenda items for the AGM may please be emailed to MD by 5th November 2024. The networking dinner will be a special opportunity for members, and our other partners of NSOP/GA industry, to unwind, connect, and celebrate our shared passion for business aviation in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.
- Letter to Addl. Secretary, Office of the GST Council Secretariat on Request for Correction Regarding Inadvertent 18% GST on Helicopter Charter Services: Attached please find BAOA’s letter to GST Council for making the necessary correction in the circular issued after the last meeting of the council clarifying on 5% GST on helicopter shared seats. We have contested the mention of the prevailing GST rate at 18% on charters. It is our considered view that charter GST rate in Air Transport of passengers category has always been 12% and 18% applies only to long-term lease or hire for the aircraft. Members are requested to take note of it, reconcile their current practices regarding GST application, and insist on 12% GST rate as the legally correct one.
- Letter to HMCA on Earliest Convening of Advisory Group Meeting of HSAAC: MD BAOA has met HMCA twice during the last one month and repeatedly emphasised for reviving the regular interaction between the NSOP/GA industry, comprising small business aircraft, and the minister every quarter to discuss all the issues faced by the industry at the highest level of the government, as was happening till December 2023. We are hopeful of positive response soon and, in the interim, it is requested that members send their views on the issues to be taken up in the next meeting of HSAAC to MD by 31st October 2024.
- Letter to Mr. Arun Bansal, Whole Time Director, Adani Airport Holdings Ltd. on Urgent Concerns regarding transparency in hangar space bidding at Navi Mumbai Airport: Members, especially the Mumbai based, are requested to see the attached letter written to Head of Adani Airport Holdings regarding auctioning of the hangar space at upcoming Navi Mumbai airport. We understand that the proposed auction, to a selected few operators, has not happened as yet. We intend to keep close watch on the process to ensure fairness and transparency.
- Minutes of Meeting Held on 08.10.2024 under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary, MoCA: BAOA had meeting with Joint Secretary MoCA on 8th October 2024 to discuss ongoing issues that were already discussed with DGCA. The minutes of the meeting issued by MoCA are attached for perusal of members. BAOA has sent a follow up letter to MoCA in this regard requesting for giving necessary instructions to DGCA in matters needing ministry’s intervention. Please see the letter written to Director MoCA for the same.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Next monthly meeting to discuss issues related to GA/BA with DGCA: MD BAOA met JDG D C Sharma on 27th August 2024 and requested for convening the next quarterly meeting between DGCA and BAOA soon. It has been suggested by him that issues to be discussed in the proposed meeting be sent department-wise, like Airworthiness, FSD, DTL, Safety and so on.. to let the issues be examined in details by DGCA for a meaningful discussion. Members were earlier requested, last month, through WhatsApp group to send their inputs. We are in the process of compiling the inputs received so far. Please send additional/further inputs by 15th September 2024. Please see attached as an example of the format in which the inputs are to be emailed. Members may contact MD for any clarification in this regard.
- Letter to JDG, DGCA on Review of CPL Written Examination Requirements for PPL Holders with Current and Valid Instrument Rating (IR): BAOA has written the attached letter to DGCA to expedite decision regarding waiving the current requirements to again pass written exams of DGCA for upgrading to CPL that have already been cleared by PPL holders having valid IR rating. We plan to follow it up with MoCA too for an early decision.
- Letter to Secretary, MoCA on Requirements of Ground Handling Service Provider (GHSP) specific for helicopter operations at heliports dt. September 04, 2024: The recent CAR issued by DGCA for certification of GHSP has caused difficulties for NSOP operators, particularly the helicopter operators, at Juhu airport. BAOA has written the attached letter to Secretary CA requesting for review of CAR and to consider separate safety regulations for GHSP operating from heliports. Further inputs from members in this regard are welcome.
- Letter to Senior Eco. Advisor on Review of Progress on Pending Import Duty & GST Matters dt. August 23, 2024: Attached please find letter written to Senior Economic Advisor MoCA to progress the pending issues regarding GST applicability to pilgrim flights undertaken by helicopters as well as the discontinuation of 2.5% import duty on NSOP in accordance with the sunset clause provided in the initial orders issued in 2009. We had couple of follow-up meetings with him earlier and also raised the issues with Secretary CA during May 2024. BAOA remains committed to continue our efforts for rationalising GST and import duty being unfairly levied on NSOP operations.
- Letter to Hon’ble Finance Minister on Immediate corrective measures on GST applicability for helicopter flights for pilgrims dt. September 04, 2024: As the GST Council meeting is likely to take place next week, BAOA has sent the attached letter to Minister of Finance for rationalising GST rates applied by Uttrakhand and J&K governments on helicopter shuttle flights for pilgrims. In this letter we have also requested for ‘office memorandum’ be issued for discontinuation of 2.5% import duty on NSOP as per the sunset clause of 15 years duration.
- Letter to PMO on Urgent Intervention Needed on GST Applicability for Helicopter Pilgrimage Shuttle Services dt. September 05, 2024: Since the issue of unjustified and irrational GST being levied by Uttrakhand/J&K governments has remained pending for two years now, BAOA has sent letter to the PM appealing for his intervention to address it immediately. We have already received acknowledgment from the PM office in this regard. We are hopeful of resolving this issue soon.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- FICCI’s Report on Indian Civil Aviation Sector Submitted to Hon’ble Union Minister of Civil Aviation: FICCI sought inputs from BAOA for preparing brief for the newly appointed Minister of Civil Aviation. Please see the attached letter sent in response covering all the issues recently discussed with Secretary CA during the meeting held on 28th May 2024.
- Budget proposals/ recommendations for the NSOP/GA industry for the forthcoming union budget: Attached please find proposals sent to FICCI in response to their request for submitting inputs for the forthcoming union budget. We shall make use of each available forum to achieve parity between NSOP and Scheduled Airlines for applicability of zero import duty in the common ‘commercial passengers air transport category’. Further, the need to rationalise the import duty for private business aviation category is being sought and, taken out of the ‘sin category’ of 28%. Members are requested to seek support from business leaders of the nation, they represent, for taking this up directly with Minister of Finance. In this regard, please see the attached letter BAOA had written earlier to the Minister of Finance.
- Letter to JDG, on Follow-up Review of CPL Written Exam Requirements for PPL Holders with Current IR: BAOA is continuing with the efforts to rationalise the current training and licensing regulations regarding grant of CPL to PPL holders with current IR rating. We have emphasised the need to do away with the requirement of reappearing in the exams cleared during the process of obtaining IR rating. It’s expected that DGCA would appoint an expert committee to take a final decision on this matter.
- Comments on Draft CAR Section 7, Series O, Part I, Flying More Than One Type Of Aeroplane (Fixed Wing Aircraft) – Scheduled, Non-scheduled and General Aviation Operations: DGCA has recently issued a new draft CAR for replacing the old Circular of 2010 on ‘flying more than one type of aeroplane’. Please see the attached comments sent to DGCA in this regard asking to make some amendments in the draft CAR to give greater flexibility to the operators for allowing their qualified aircrew to fly more than one type of aeroplanes in different duty cycles. More inputs in this regard are welcome from members before the CAR gets finalised next month.
- Letter to AAI, Chairman on Slot Restrictions on NSOP/GA Flights: Some members of BAOA had shared a letter, not yet officially authenticated, regarding AAI asking DIAL to impose curfew timings of eight hours at Delhi on NSOP/GA flights. Please see the attached letter sent to Chairman AAI in this regard. Further, the matter was also taken up by MD BAOA with COO DIAL. Since there’s no confirmation of any such curfew timings, either from AAI or DIAL, members are requested to be vigilant and immediately inform MD at, or in the members Whatsup group, any incident of unfair denial of slot to them at DIAL.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- FICCI Civil Aviation Committee Meeting chaired by Secretary CA on 28th May 2024 : MD, BAOA, being a member of the ‘national aviation committee’ of FICCI on civil aviation, participated in the quarterly meeting on 28th May 2024. This meeting was chaired by the Secretary CA. From BAOA’s side, Mr Rohit Kapur, President of Sales – Asia Pacific, JetHq and Mr. Rohit Mathur, CEO, Heritage Aviation also joined in to urge Secretary CA for progressing the following issues on urgent basis.
- Classification of helicopters seats as an economy class to apply 5% GST rate through MoCA notification
- Chardham and other pilgrims shuttle services by helicopters at 5%. GST Council, in its next meeting, to address arbitrary GST rate of 18% being levied retrospectively by Uttarakhand and J&K govts.
- Import of helicopters in NSOP category to be zero, as was there before 2009. MoCA to emphasise with MoF that 15 years sunset clause in the order of 2009 imposing 2.5% import duty shouldn’t be renewed and be allowed to lapse immediately to make import duty zero, as is there for scheduled commercial operations.
- Publication in AIC by DGCA – Itemised GH charges for smaller aircraft of NSOP/GA aircraft at public airports. This has already been approved by HMCA and awaiting MoCA’s approval of itemised GH charges proposed by AAI.
- ‘Re-categorisation of AT ops’ solely based on the weight, type of engine, pax capabilities, and operational areas of aircraft. The concept regarding the same already submitted to DGCA.
- Age of aircraft for imports’ to be raised from the current 18 years restriction to 25 years and airworthiness aspects should be the sole criteria.
- Meeting at MoCA under the chairmanship of Shri Asangba Chuba Ao Joint Secretary, to discuss draft ‘Fractional ownership Directive’: There was focussed discussion on the need to soon implement the ‘fractional ownership guidelines’ issued by MoCA in 2022. The clarification received by MoCA from MoF (TRU) in this regard is attached for information of our members. For the purpose of taxation, MoF would only consider the end-use of the aircraft, not the ownership. The updated draft guidelines of MoCA are also attached. BAOA shared the draft minutes of the meeting with MoCA. The same are attached. We are now awaiting draft CAR from DGCA and the issue of MoCA’s directive on ‘Fractional Ownership’ soon after that.
- Aviation India Conference & Exhibition June 12-13, 2024 at New Delhi : This has been the first such exhibition and conference organised by the international group in India. BAOA’s members actively participated in this conference on a complimentary basis and, MD BAOA was a keynote speaker on GA/BA growth in India. We are in discussions with the organisers for a more inclusive conference next year with the participation of all the stake holders.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Letter to Secretary, MoCA on Implementation of Itemized GH Charges for NSOP/GA at All Public Airports in India dt. 17 May 2024 : BAOA is continuing efforts for early implementation of the decision taken by HMCA, during the meeting in December 2023, to publish itemised GH charges for NSOP/GA operators at all public airports under AAI, including the major ones on long lease under PPP model. Earlier, last month, JS (Airports) in MoCA was requested for expeditious action in this regard. This issue remains on urgent priority for BAOA.
- Mint Article published on 08 May 2024 on ‘A 15-year tax on imported private jets might go’: Please see the attached article published in the leading media agency regarding the proposal with the government to revert the import duty for NSOP to zero, as it was earlier in 2008. After getting information on such a proposal through its own channels, media contacted MD BAOA in this regard. As already intimated in earlier updates, MoCA has supported BAOA’s pleas that the import duty of 2.5%, imposed in 2009, has not served any good purpose and shouldn’t be continued beyond 15 years of time, as the timeframe given in the initial notification of 2009. This proposal will be put up to the new government in June/July. Members are requested to keep requesting their corporate heads to speak to their contacts in the government to ensure a positive outcome of BOOA’s ongoing efforts in this regard.
- AERA public notice 02/2024-25 dt. 02 May 2024 on Major Airports under clause (i) of Section 2 of the AERA Act, 2008: Attached is the latest list of all the major public airports in India for which the tariff is determined by AERA. It will be advisable for the members to send their valuable inputs at the time of tariff determination for each of these airports. BAOA is already working on rationalising the tariff at other airports in coordination with MoCA.
- VC Meeting with BAOA members on issues concerning GA/BA industry: It is proposed to have VC meeting with members, soon, to, inter alia, discuss the recent draft CAR on NSOP. Members are requested to send their inputs/suggestions in this regard soon for meaningful discussion. Attached are the comments already sent to DGCA on the draft CAR. Additional points may please be emailed to by the end of this month (30th May).
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Letter to Mr. Atul Maindola, Director of Air Transport, regarding the Draft CAR Section 3 Series C Part-III and Stakeholder Meeting: Attached is our recent correspondence with the DGCA containing comments on the draft CAR 3CIII. We have requested a meeting with NSOP operators to ensure that the finalized CAR addresses all raised issues and clarifications sought. Members are urged to participate in the forthcoming meeting, tentatively scheduled for next month. Additionally, we propose to conduct our own virtual meeting with members early next month to discuss changes in the draft CAR 3CIII.
- Letter to the Director-General of the DGCA on the Request for Exemption in Certain Provisions of Circular AAC 02 & 03 of 2023 for Helicopter Operations: Following the meeting held on March 18, 2024, at the DGCA HQ, BAOA has sent the attached letter to the DG to resolve the deadlock concerning provisions of AAC 02/2023. Members will be updated on the response from the DGCA, and further inputs are encouraged for future discussions.
- Letter to the Senior Economic Advisor Urgently Requesting Fair and Uniform Application of GST Rates dated April 4, 2024: BAOA had a detailed meeting with the Senior Economic Advisor to MoCA regarding unfair GST charges on helicopter pilgrim flights by the governments of Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir. This matter is under consideration by the Ministry of Finance and will likely be discussed in the next GST Council meeting. MoCA has agreed to reinforce efforts by sending a separate letter to state governments and the Ministry of Finance. We are closely monitoring this matter.
- Letter to the Senior Economic Advisor Regarding Categorization of Helicopter Seats for the General Public as Economy Class dated April 4, 2024: BAOA has sent a letter to MoCA requesting clarification on whether helicopter seats should be considered economy class or ‘other than economy.’ During discussions with the Senior Economic Advisor, it was agreed that helicopter seats should be classified as economy class. BAOA will follow up on this matter during the next meeting with HMCA if necessary.
- Letter to Ms. Rubina Ali, JS at MoCA Urgently Requesting Approval of Itemized Ground Handling Charges for General Aviation/Business Aviation Aircraft at AAI Airports dated April 12, 2024: We have sent a reminder to the Joint Secretary (Airports) at MoCA to expedite the publication of itemized ground handling charges for small aircraft at all public airports. If not implemented by June 30, 2024, we propose to escalate this matter to a higher level, as this request was accepted by HMCA.
- Letter to the Joint Secretary at MoCA on Operationalizing Unused Airstrips in India to Boost Air Connectivity by Small Aircraft of SCA & BA/GA dated April 2, 2024: BAOA has written to the MoCA Joint Secretary to operationalize smaller airstrips across India, without ATCO presence, through specific SOPs for each airstrip. It has also been suggested to extend watch hours at some less-used AAI airports similarly through approved SOPs. We are following up on this matter, and members will be kept informed.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- DGCA’s Monthly meeting with BAOA regarding small operators’ issues dt. 18 March 2024: As mandated by MoCA during the meeting chaired by HMCA in December 2023, the second quarterly meeting of BAOA with DGCA took place on 18th March 2024. The meeting was chaired by JDG and attended by representatives of all departments of DGCA. All our pending issues were discussed. The minutes of the meeting will be shared with the members soon after being finalised. Further, members are requested to send a list of issues that are required to be taken up in the next quarterly meeting planned for the next quarter.
- Meeting on the proposed Capital Expenditure projects at CSMIA, Mumbai on 13 March 2024: MD BAOA, along with representatives from member companies in Mumbai, attended the meeting and emphasised on the need for specific infrastructure for GA/BA operators at CSIA. It was also agreed by MIAL to hold consultative meetings regularly with GA/BA operators at Mumbai for adequately addressing recurring issues/challenges at this very busy airport.
- Letter to JDG, on Review of Requirements for CPL Written Exam for PPL (IR) Pilots dt. 18 March 2024: BAOA has taken up the issue of rationalising the current regulatory requirements for obtaining CPL in case of a PPL holder having IR rating. Please see the attached letter written to DGCA in this regard.
- Letter to JDG, Critical Observations on Amendment AAC 03 2023, Rev 01- Impact on MRO-Operators dt. 04 March 2024: After our meeting with DGCA in November 2023, amended AAC 02/03 of 2023 was issued by DGCA last month. However, the amended AAC didn’t resolve most of the issues concerning mandatory maintenance checks to be undertaken during the forthcoming elections to Lok Sabha. Therefore, the attached letter was written on the unresolved issues. We are still in discussions with DGCA to resolve these pending issues.
- Letter to CEO MIAL VC Meeting to discuss issues concerning slots for GA BA aircraft at CSIA 20 March 2024: While the enhanced curfew timings for GA/BA operations at CSIA were withdrawn, Mumbai based members have still issues concerning getting the required slots. BAOA has written to CEO MIAL seeking more transparency and consideration for Mumbai based GA/BA operators. Please refer to the attached letter and send more inputs in this regards as a meeting has been planned with MIAL team towards the end of March for comprehensive discussions on all such issues at CSIA airport.
- Letter to Ms. Rubina Ali, JS MoCA on Urgent Request for Approval of Itemised GH Charges for GA BA Aircraft at AAI Airports dt. 09 March 2024: The minutes issued by the ministry, after HMCA’s directive for itemised GH charges at all public airports, have been followed up with for timely implementation. Please see the attached letter written to JS, MoCA for expediting approval of charges proposed by AAI.
- Letter to Senior Eco Advisor on Urgent Appeal to Address Discriminatory GST Charges on Kedarnath Helicopter Shuttle by Uttarakhand Government dt. 10 March 2024: We have followed up our earlier correspondence on discriminatory GST charges on Kedarnath shuttle with MoF and MOCA. As the Uttrakhand government has recently formed a separate committee on this issue, we have again taken up this matter with the Senior Economic Adviser of MoCA. This letter is being followed up to comprehensively address the issue of designating helicopter seats as economy class. Members will be kept updated with future developments in this regard.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Highlights of 8th BizAvIndia on 17 January 2024 at Hyderabad: The 8th edition of BizAvIndia, held at Hyderabad on 17th January 2024, on the sidelines of Wings India 2024 Airshow of MoCA/FICCI, was a well-attended event, enthusiastically participated by majority of our members. Four senior representatives from MoCA/DGCA, including Joint Secretary and JDG, were speakers during the event. Among OEM/MROs, Airbus Helicopters, Cessna/Textron and JSSI were the active participants showcasing their latest products. The concluding brainstorming session had eight speakers giving presentations on the innovations and the new policies/procedures applicable to GA/BA industry in India, followed by an engrossing Q/A session on each presentation. The gala dinner, that followed the conference at the same venue, provided the optimal networking opportunity for all the GA/BA professionals. Later, on 19th January 2024, MD BAOA was speaker in the special session on GA/BA chaired by Jt Secy MoCA. Please see the attached picture. BAOA plans to hold an additional conference later this year in November at Delhi focusing on safety and optimising safety regulations for GA/BA industry.
- Minutes of Meeting under the chairmanship of HMCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 12th December 2023: Please refer to the attached minutes received from MoCA regarding decisions taken during the Advisory Group meeting of Helicopters & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell (HSAAC) chaired by HMCA. The major issue on ‘zero import duty on NSOP’ has been accepted by MoCA for taking up with MoF. The other issue of fractional ownership in NSOP is nearing finalisation now. We expecting the final decision/policy on both the issues, soon.
- Letter to Chairman AAI dt. 06 Feb 2024 on Request for Publication of Itemized Ground Handling Charges on AAI Website: Please see the attached letter written to Chairman AAI as follow up to the minutes, of the meeting of advisory group of small aircraft chaired by HMCA, issued by MoCA. BAOA has asked for publication of GH charges on AAI website for all the public airports in India. Further progress in this regard will be shared with the members.
- Letter to HMCA Urgent Request for Review of NOTAM Affecting GA BA Operations at CSIA (Mumbai)dt. 02 February 2024: Please see the attached letters written by BAOA in January and February 2024 to MoCA regarding imposition of additional restrictions on operations of GA/BA aircraft from CSIA, Mumbai wef 1st January 2024. This matter is being followed up and we are working on rationalising the slot availability for GA/BA aircraft at Mumbai till the additional airport at Navi Mumbai gets operational next year.
- Minutes of Meeting (MoM) held on 20.12.2023 under the chairmanship of DG (Civil Aviation) to review the issues raised by Advisory Group of Small Airlines and Helicopter Operators: We have received the attached minutes of the meeting held at DGCA HQ chaired by the DG. Members are requested to note the topics discussed during the meeting. This would be a regular quarterly exercise, going forward, to discuss all the regulatory issues to be appropriately addressed by DGCA. Members are requested share their well-researched information, on each issue affecting GA/BA industry required to be taken up, with MD BAOA as per the standard format previously followed.
- Letter to JDG, DGCA on Re-Categorization of AT Ops & Class Rating Dt. 31 January 2024: In response to the minutes of the meeting held in DGCA on 20th December 2023, BAOA prepared the attached document on the proposal for recategorisation of AT operations in India and shared it with JDG, DGCA. This proposal is going to be further debated/deliberated during the coming months with DGCA’s officials. Members are encouraged to send their further inputs based on their own expertise in the matter to help achieve the goal of optimal regulatory regime for GA/BA industry.
- Letter to JDG, Clarification to Regional offices of DGCA regarding Circular AAC 02 & 03 of 2023 for Helicopter Operations dt. 02 February 2024: BAOA has written to JDG, DGCA requesting for immediate clarification to be sent to regional offices of DGCA regarding the right interpretation of AAC 02 & 03 of 2023, specifically for helicopter operations during the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. Members will be kept updated on this issue.
- Agenda points for next meeting in DGCA to be held during mid-March 2024: We have proposed for the next quarterly meeting with DGCA to be held during mid-March 2024. Members are requested to share the draft agenda points for this meeting by 21st February 2024 at
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Meeting under the chairmanship of HMCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 12th December 2023 – The meeting of the advisory group on Helicopters & Small aircraft took place in MoCA on 12th December 2023 under the chairmanship of HMCA. Attached please find ‘draft minutes of the meeting’ prepared by us giving the gist of decisions taken. Please send your comments, or further inputs, on the issues listed in the draft. Finalised minutes of the meeting, will also be shared later.
- Meeting with JDG Sh. D C Sharma on 30th Nov 2023 – A team of BAOA, comprising mostly the helicopter operators, had detailed discussions in DGCA HQ with JDG (Mr. DC Sharma) and his team from DAW and FSD departments. Maintenance issues cropping up due to recent AAC 02 & 03/ 2023 of DGCA were highlighted by the operators during this meeting. Attached please find the ‘minutes of the meeting’ issued by DGCA. Further inputs from members are welcome.
- Next Meeting with Small Airlines and Helicopter Operators under the Chairmanship of Sh. D.C. Sharma, Jt. Director General has been scheduled on 20 Dec 2023 – Attached please find the notice received for the next meeting with JDG, DGCA on 20th December 2023. Members are requested to share the list of ‘issues’, with ‘justification’ and ‘solution’ at by 18th Dec 2023. Those sending list of ‘issues’ and willing to participate in the meeting, are requested to confirm the same by 18th December 2023 to MD, BAOA at
- BizAvIndia Conference 17 January 2024 – We are in the process of finalising detailed programme for the next BizAvIndia 2024 at Hyderabad on 17th January 2024. This program will be shared with members by 22nd December 2023. Governing Board has taken the decision to give a ‘one-time’ 50% concession in all the categories for the new members joining BAOA before 17th January 2024. Our existing members are requested to give vide publicity of this ‘special discount’ offer to their Business Associates to have a strong gathering of industry stakeholders during BizAvIndia 2024. The regulatory and government officials will also be participating in this event.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Letter to JS, MoCA on Next Meeting of HSAAC, Chaired by HMCA – The next meeting of Helicopter & Small Aircraft Accelerating Cell (HSAAC) is due to take place soon. BAOA has written the attached letter to MoCA for convening this meeting to be chaired by HMCA. Members are requested to see the three main agenda points for the meeting and send their suggestions for any additional points or further inputs on the issues already listed there.
- Letter to JDG, DGCA on Request for Exemption in some provisions of Circular AAC 02 & 03 of 2023 for Helicopter Operations – BAOA has written the attached letter to JDG, DGCA seeking exemption in some provisions of the recent AAC 02 & 03 of 2023. Members are requested to send further inputs, if any, for ensuring efficient operations of helicopters, especially during the busy election flying. We are planning to meet JDG, DGCA early next week on this issue. Please send your inputs by 27th November 2023.
- Letter to DG, DGCA on Request for resumption of quarterly meetings with Stakeholders of NSOP/GA Industry – The regular monthly meetings with the regulator have not taken place during the current year. BAOA has asked for resumption of these meetings soon. This will be taken up with MoCA too.
- Fractional Ownership on NSOP category – MD, BAOA has discussed the progress on the final issue of directive or CAR on implementation of ‘fractional ownership’ in NSOP category. In this regard, meeting was held with Secretary, CA last month and this has been followed up with other senior officials of MoCA. We are expecting the finalised CAR to be issued by end December 2023.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- BAOA AGM-13 meeting on 13 October 2023 at Roseate House, Aerocity, New Delhi – Members are, again, reminded of the forthcoming AGM–13 meeting at 3 Pm on 13 October 2023 at Roseate House, Aerocity, New Delhi. This being the AGM meeting for reconstitution of the ‘governing board’ of BAOA, it is most important that all members of BAOA, in particular the corporate members, attend this meeting. Besides discussing all the important issues affecting our GA/BA industry, it would be an opportunity for the members to meet the new team of the ‘governing board’ of BAOA. Please send suggestions on any additional agenda items for the AGM by 05 October 2023.
- Letter to Home Secretary, MHA on Security Clearance for new/change in Directors for privately registered aircraft operated by Indian corporate houses dt. 04 September 2023 – Please see the attached letter written to MHA regarding security clearance for new/change in Directors for privately registered aircraft operated by Indian corporate houses. BAOA has asked for making the process of granting such approvals for ‘directors’ seamless, in case of privately registered aircraft, and allow post facto sanction.
- Meeting with Mr. Sanjiv Edward, Chief Commercial Officer, DIAL on 01 September 2023 regarding parking of business jets at GA apron– In view of some recent incidents when parking to larger business jets was denied to BA operators, a meeting was held with Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) DIAL on 01 September 2023. It has been agreed by DIAL that, under normal circumstances, 2-3 parking slots for Business Jets would be kept reserved at GA Terminal. It would be important for BAOA members to coordinate directly with the CCO of DIAL when faced with unforeseen difficulties for parking of their larger jets.
- Meeting with Regional Director, BCAS on 20 September 2023 – MD BAOA met the Regional Director BCAS at Delhi to clarify the requirements of security manpower for small aircraft and helicopters as mentioned in Addendum to AVSEC ORDER No. 05/2009 (first page attached for reference). It has been explained to the RD of BCAS that this security manpower deployment applies only to the small aircraft, and helicopters, involved in Scheduled Commuter Operations (SCO), not to NSOP/GA. The original AVSEC ORDER No. 05/2009 is specific to scheduled airlines only and the latest Addendum is aimed at rationalising security manpower deployment for smaller aircraft undertaking scheduled operations, as discussed during meeting with HMCA on 31 March 2023.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- Meeting with Secretary, CA on 14th August 2023 – An urgent meeting was held with Secretary CA, along with other senior officials, including the next secretary CA, Mr. Chanchal Kumar, now OSD with MoCA, on 14th August 2023 to primarily discuss the issue of finalising policy on fractional ownership regarding NSOP category in India. There were meaningful discussions on the subject and a few more meetings would be held in MoCA during the next month before the final policy gets issued.
- 5th Edition of Helicopter & Small Aircraft Summit at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh on 25th July 2023 – BAOA actively participated in this summit where the HMCA and local MP were also the participants. MD, BAOA was invited by the organisers to speak on issues concerning helicopter & small aircraft and how the proposed policy on ‘fractional ownership’ is going to spur the growth of GA/BA industry.
- Letter to JDG, DGCA on Review of routine tasks performed by AME dt. 08 August 2023 – Please see the attached letter written to JDG (DGCA), copied to DG, to review some of the airworthiness routine checks now mandated to be performed by an AME. It has been requested to review the present policy and let P1 undertake these checks that involves only monitoring the readings of an automated system. Members are required to sent their further inputs in this regard by 31st August 2023.
- Draft Revision to CAR Section 8 Series F Part VII – Flight Crew Training And Qualification Requirements For Scheduled Commuter And Non-Scheduled Operators: Small Aeroplanes. – Comments invited by 6th September 2023 – Please see link to draft CAR issued recently by DGCA on the subject. There have been lots of discussions on the subject with DGCA officials before this CAR got issued. Members are requested to send their comments by 31 August to for us to prepare the final response.
- Meeting with Chairperson AERA on 14th August 2023 – MD BAOA had a one-to-one meeting with Chairperson AERA on 14th August 2023. The meeting was focussed on rationalisation of various aeronautical charges, including ‘Ground Handling charges’, in view of the recent order of the ‘tribunal’ in favor of the airport operators. BAOA is working on a common strategy with airlines operators in this regard, while keeping ‘ground handling charges’ for GA/BA as a separate issue affecting only the small aircraft. Members will be kept updated on this progress.
- BAOA AGM-13 meeting and BizAvIndia Conference 2024 – Governing Board of BAOA, during its last meeting (GBM – 60) decided to hold the next AGM of BAOA on 13th October 2023 at Delhi. This will be a physical meeting, starting post-lunch at 3 Pm and concluding with high tea around 5 PM. During the meeting the reconstitution of BAOA ‘governing board’ would also take place. Statutory notice in this regard would be sent soon as per BAOA’s bylaws. Further, the next BizAvIndia Conference 2024 has also been fianlised for 17th January 2024 at Hyderabad, on the sidelines of ‘Wings India’ by MoCA from 18th January to 22 January 2024. Members are requested to take note of these two important events of BAOA and plan their active participation, in advance.
Members wanting to see the specific letter of BAOA, on each of the above issues, are requested to send email to MD or
- 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft Summit, at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh on 25th July 2023 – Helicopter and Small Aircraft Summit is being held at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh on 25th July 2023. BAOA members have been invited to participate in this Summit. Members, interested in participating, register immediately as per the link already shared, ( There will be a round table conference to discuss optimal utilisation of helicopters and small aircraft in the country. Members are requested to share any suggestions in this regard with MD, BAOA by 24th July through email
- Comments on AERA’s Consultation Paper No. 03/2023-24 – GH services for Global Flight Handling Services (Patna) Pvt. Ltd. (GFHSPPL) at Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport, Patna for the First Control Period (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28) – Please see the attached comments sent to AERA on GH charges at Patna. We continue to focus on itemised and rationalised charges for all services as listed in GH policy (Annex A). Further inputs from members are solicited based on their experience at various public airports.
- Meeting on the proposed projects at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati dt. 06 July 2023 – Adani group held the Consultation Committee meeting for the proposed project at Guwahati on 06 July 2023. BAOA participated in the meeting and emphasised the need to specifically take care of the infrastructural requirement at the airport for small aircraft of GA/BA. Please see the attached minutes of the meeting from Adani Group.
- Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (virtual mode) on 19.07.2023 in respect of CP no. 04/2023-24 of Srinagar International Airport – AERA held the meeting on CP 04/2023-24 to decide aeronautical charges and development of Srinagar civil enclave. MD BAOA participated in the meeting. Please see the attached comments sent on the need to plan a greenfield airport at Srinagar to meet the future needs.
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 21 July 2023
- Letter to Under Secretary on Review of conditional exemption for concessional BCD rates for imports dt. 16 June 2023 – Please refer the attached letter written to MoCA in response to the comments sought by the ministry for continuing with the conditional exemption on Basic Custom Duty (BCD) for aircraft. Ministry of Finance is undertaking the exercise to review the ongoing exemptions on BCD valid till March 2024. In our letter, BAOA has requested for NSOP operations to be included in the existing standalone provisions of Zero BCD category of scheduled airlines operations and removed from the separate non-scheduled operators category. The standalone provisions for exemption are being granted to Indian Airlines and others like Indian Air Force. Our efforts to get ‘NSOP’ in the same category, as ‘scheduled airlines’, are based on the logic that both are in the common category of ‘commercial air transport operations’. Members are requested to make further efforts in this on-going mission of BAOA through their respective corporate heads.
- Minutes of Meeting (MoM) under the chairmanship of Secretary (CA) on 3rd May 2023 – We have now received MoM for the meeting of HSAAC chaired by Secretary CA on 3rd May 2023. Please see the attached minutes. SoPs for non-standard parking at busy public airports are being finalised on priority. This would help NSOP/GA aircraft to get more parking slots at metro airports in the country. Regarding ‘Fractional Ownership’ for NSOP, MoCA is aiming for more consultations among all the stakeholders before issuing the final directive. We are hoping for the final directive to be issued by September/October 2023.
- Comments on AERA’s Consultation Paper No. 02/2023-24 – GH charges for CASIPL at Manohar International Airport, MOPA, Goa – Please see the attached comments sent to AERA on GH charges (CP 02/2023-24) at MOPA, Goa. We have asked for rationalisation of itemised GH charges, for semi-skilled unlicenced jobs like marshalling, toilet cleaning etc, and align these with the prevailing labour rates of the states. Members are requested to demand approved GH rates at all public airports before operating and share their experiences in this regard with MD BAOA. These GH rates are approved either by AERA (at major airports) or by AAI (at non-major airports). Please appreciate that we have to make consistent and combined efforts in this direction to have fair and rationalised GH charges at all the public airports in the country.
- Roundtable on Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) during third Infrastructure Working Group meeting at Rishikesh- G20 reg. dt. 27th June 2023 – BAOA had been asked to participate in the roundtable conference of G-20 Infrastructure Working Group being held at Rishikesh on 27th June 2023. BAOA members, especially those involved in MRO business, are requested to send their suggestions on the issues to be taken up during this conference. Please refer the attached letter received by MD BAOA in this regard.
- Draft Aircraft Bill, 2023 for public consultation – MoCA is in the process of revising the existing Aircraft Rules and the draft ‘Aircraft Bill 2023’ has been put up to public consultation. There are important changes being proposed in this Bill. Please see the attached documents and send inputs/comments at by 25th June 2023. The last date for submitting comments is 29th June 2023.
- IBAC Updates – Please see the link for updates on IBAC Attached please find updates received from IBAC With consistent efforts of IBAC, Business/General Aviation (BA/GA) is getting its rightful recognition at ICAO HQ. BA/GA experts are now actively participating in ICAO’s first AAM Study Group formed for the purpose of deciding steps to integrate AAM safely and efficiently into the future global aviation ecosystem, especially for fast-developing drone operations. Please visit the links provided in the updates to further participate in the ongoing discussions on the subject. Members are also requested to visit IBAC store’ online’ to get access to material promoting IBAC.
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 17 June 2023
- Advisory Group of Small Airlines and Helicopter Operators meeting under the chairmanship of Secretary (CA) – Meeting of HSAAC was held on 3rd May 2023. This meeting, chaired by Secretary CA, was attended by President BAOA. Fractional Ownership of NSOP aircraft was discussed and is being progressed by MOCA for issuing the final CAR by DGCA. AAI is also working on updating, online, the itemised GH charges for smaller aircraft of NSOP/GA. Finalised MOM, when received from MOCA, will be shared with the members.
- Letter to DG, DGCA on Revision of Aeronautical Tariff for Airport Services – AIC Sl. No. 06/2023 dt. 08 May 2023 – We have written the attached letter to DG DGCA requesting for inclusion of itemised GH charges as part of the tariff for all aeronautical services being offered at non-major public airports in the country. GH services have been included as aeronautical services at airports in the AERA Act and we are aiming for these to be part of AIC issued by DGCA every FY. This matter will be progressed, if required, with MOCA too.
- RTR examination for pilots being shifted to DGCA – Please refer to the attached letter written by BAOA to HMCA in November 2021 requesting for delegation of RTR license authority from Min of Communication to DGCA. After receiving the letter, HMCA had taken up this issue with Minister of Communication, who issued instructions for this change in February 2022. DGCA will take over this job soon. Further, Federation of Indian Pilots have demanded for this examination to be conducted by senior qualified pilots (FOIs) of DGCA. Please also see the attached letters in this regard.
- Letter to JDG, DGCA on Suggestions for modification/changes in relevant CARs dt. 10 May 2023 – Feedback points on meeting held in DGCA HQ on 11 April 2023, chaired by DG, DGCA. Please find the attached letter written to DGCA after the meeting was held earlier in DGCA on the issue of rationalisation of training/licensing requirements for smaller aircraft of NSOP. The matter is under review by DGCA and is likely to be discussed again during the next meeting with HMCA.
- Comment on AERA Consultation Paper No. 02/2023-24 dated 03.05.2023 in the matter of determination of Tariff for Ground Handling Services in respect of M/s Celebi Airport Services India Private Limited (CASIPL) at Manohar International Airport, Mopa Goa for the First Control Period (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28) – AERA has issued CP for determining GH charges at MOPA (Goa) airport. Members are requested to send their comments by 25th May 2023. Please see the attached link to open CP 02/2023-24
- Addendum to AVSEC Order No. 05/2009 – Security Manpower deployment for small aircraft operators and helicopter operations dt. 15 May 2023 – The issue of rationalisation of security manpower for operations of smaller aircraft and helicopters was discussed during the meeting with HMCA on 31st March 2023. Thereafter, meetings were held with DG BCAS and final AVSEC Order has been issued in this regard. BAOA will continue to work for further rationalisation of security-related requirements by approaching MHA too. BCAS now offers more vacancies in AVSEC courses for NSOP/GA operators. Members, still facing problems, on getting vacancies for AVSEC courses, are requested to send email to MD BAOA.
- IBAC Updates – Please see the link for updates on IBAC Attached please find updates received from IBAC. It is important to note that ICAO is in the process of revising Annex 19 (SMS). Members are requested to send their suggestions, for change/modification in existing Annex 19 on SMS, by 31st May 2023. BAOA will work with IBAC, which has observer status at ICAO, for bringing progressive changes for GA/BA industry in Annex 19.
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 18 May 2023
- Meeting under the chairmanship of HMCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 31 March 2023 – MD BAOA attended the ‘advisory group’ meeting on small aircraft and helicopters, chaired by HMCA, on 31st March in MoCA. Please see the attached minutes of the meeting issued by the ministry. HMCA has agreed, once again, to take up the issue of rationalisation of import duty on NSOP, as being differentially applied presently, and bring it at par with scheduled operators on the common ‘commercial operations category’. BAOA has already shared the proposed draft letter, in this regard, to be sent to MoF. Members are requested to keep bringing up this issue, of common custom duty and GST for all commercial operations, at all possible platforms to help build the right public opinion for the MoF to finally take the call on treating scheduled/NSOP, alike, in the common commercial category.
- Waiver of prior parking approval for NSOP/ GA (Fixed Wing) aircraft for import – This matter was brought up, again, as a follow-up of earlier minutes, and MoCA clarified that ‘prior parking approval for fixed wing ac in NSOP category’ is no more a requirement before import of the aircraft. This has been a major issue for many years for NSOP operators and is now, finally addressed. Please see the attached ‘directive’ in this regard for easy reference.
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for ‘non-standard parking’ at busy metro airports – DG DGCA confirmed during the meeting in MoCA on 31st March that SOPs for non-standard parking of NSOP/GA aircraft have been approved by the safety regulator for the busy metro airports in the country. These SOPs are part of the approved Airport Manual for these airports. However, it is not considered prudent to post these SOPs on the websites of these airports. Therefore, NSOP/GA operators facing parking issues at any busy airport may seek permission for being allowed to park per the non-standard parking, as approved by DGCA and, given in the ‘airport manual’ of the airport.
- Publishing itemised GH charges on AAI website for NSOP/GA aircraft – During the meeting with HMCA on 31st March 2023, it was requested that, for effective implementation of MoCA’s directive, issued in September 2022, on giving option of itemised rather than comprehensive GH charges for small aircraft, the approved item-wise GH charges be published on the website of AAI for all public airports. Please see the minutes of the attached meeting, wherein such instructions have been given to AAI. This is, still, a matter under continuous review of BAOA’s governing board. We shall continue to work for GH charges to be item-wise, and reasonable too, for small aircraft of NSOP/GA. Members are requested to keep sharing their actual experiences in this regard at various public airports.
- Meeting under the chairmanship of Director General on issues relating to the Advisory Group of Small Airlines and Helicopter dt. 11 April 2023 – DG DGCA chaired the meeting of small aircraft operators on 11th April in DGCA HQ. This was follow-up of the meeting with HMCA on 31st March. DGCA requires compiled information in the attached format by the first week of May 2023 on the need to modify/amend/change rules/CARs to facilitate more efficient operations of small aircraft without compromising with safety requirements in any way. Please see the attached format for submitting the information, column-wise to DGCA. Members are requested to send their inputs at by 30the April 2023, positively. Compiled information will be presented to DGCA during May 2023. (Format – ( Issues Defined | How it affects NSOP/GA | Global best practices (FAA/EASA) | Recommendations / Concerned department | Remark )
- BCAS Committee on policy issues affecting small aircraft and helicopters.- During the consecutive meetings held in BCAS HQ on 13th and 18th April 2023, we have asked for more training slots for NSOP/GA for the AVSEC, initial and recurrent, capsule courses. We have also shared the updated data on NSOP with BCAS. Due to current security scenario in India’s neighbourhood, MoCA and BCAS are not willing to consider any dilution in the current security requirements dictated by MHA.
- Letter to JS, MoCA on violation of cabotage rule by foreign registered aircraft operating in India dt. 13 April 2023 – Please see the attached letter written to JS (DT) MoCA requesting for strict enforcement of ‘cabotage rule’ on operations of foreign-registered aircraft in India. We have separately approached DGCA to ensure compliance of the CAR applied on foreign-registered aircraft visiting India. Members are requested to remain vigilant in this regard and report any further such violations.
- IBAC Updates- Please see the attached updates received from IBAC. It is important for our members to maximise benefits of the safety programs conducted by IBAC as members of BAOA get concessional rates for these IS-BAO and IS-BAH flagship courses. Members are requested to encourage their aircrew to acquire the new crew card just launched by IBAC and available at discounted price for BAOA’s members. Please see the below links for easy access.
–IBAC Launches New Crew Card – Adds ID90 Travel Perks – April 10, 2023
–How do I get the Crew Card?
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 April 2023
- Suggestions to MoCA on RCS UDAN Round 5 – MOCA has started preparing for UDAN 5 version of RCS as per NCAP 2016. Ministry had sought suggestions from BAOA regarding thrust areas for UDAN 5. As per inputs received, we have sent the attached letter to MOCA to have much greater use of helicopters for reaching out to the remote and inaccessible areas of the country. Members are requested to examine the suggestions made to MOCA and send further inputs for reference during ‘follow up’ meetings and discussions on UDAN 5 with MOCA.
- Consultation Meeting (virtual mode) on 07.03.2023 i.r.o. CP no. 16/2022-23 of Lucknow International Airport – MD, BAOA participated in the stakeholder’s consultation meeting on aeronautical charges at Lucknow International Airport. During the meeting, BAOA emphasised on removing all forms of royalties on aeronautical charges at public airports. We shall be sending written comments by 25th March 2023. Members may like to go through CP no. 16/2022-23, available on AERA’s website, and send further specific comments, if any.
- BizAvIndia Conference 17 March 2023 – BAOA successfully conducted BizAvIndia Conference 2023 at Delhi on 17th March 2023. The Conference was held in Delhi for the first time, discontinuing the practice of holding it in Bengaluru, alongside AERO India. We had good participation from the industry and regulatory authorities during the three sessions, as follows:
• Session 1: Vision of GA/BA growth in India till 2030: This session had deep dive discussions on prospects of GA/BA industry. Ex Additional Secretary & Senior Economic Advisor, MOCA, Ms Vandana Aggarwal spoke about the recent initiatives being taken for funding of the industry through GIFT city at Ahmedabad. Other participants were, Chief Commercial Officer DIAL, Head of Airbus Helicopters (India & South Asia), Dy CFOI DGCA and, MD BAOA, as moderator. Please see the attached pic
• Session 2: Emerging trends in GA/BA: This session was moderated by Mr Rohit Kapur, President Jet HQ Dubai. The new ‘fractional ownership’ concept, being adopted in India, and currently under finalisation by DGCA, was explained in details by Capt Shanker Manrai, Technical Advisor, HASSC, MOCA.
• Session 3: Planning growth of Helicopter and Turboprops operations:This session had participation of operators from helicopter industry and fixed wing turbo props. Dy CFOI Helicopters of DGCA spoke about the regulatory changes, under consideration, to optimise use of helicopters in HEMS and other relief/important missions
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 March 2023
- VC meeting under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, MoCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 17 Feb 2023 – The new Joint Secretary, Mr Asanga Chuba Ao, chaired meeting of HASSC on 17th February with stakeholders of the industry. Issues like defence pilots license relevant to helicopter flying in civil and easy conversion to CHPL; Defence AME licensing; Heli tourism etc were discussed during this meeting. The finalised minutes of this meeting, when received from MoCA, would be shared with the members.
- Meeting under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Civil Aviation to discuss Fractional Ownership Model Guidelines – Secretary CA held meeting on the proposed ‘fractional ownership model’ for NSOP on 10th February in Rajeev Gandhi Bhavan. It is expected that necessary final CAR in this regard is going to be drafted soon by DGCA to kick-start this model formally in India. Various aspects of this model, from perspective of MoF and MCA have already been taken care by MoCA.
- Letter to JS, MoCA on Security Clearance for new/change in Directors of Private Aircraft Operators (Public Listed Companies), already having security cleared directors at the time of initial import – After due consultations with the affected GA operators, the attached letter has been sent by BAOA to MoCA to rationalise the requirements of ‘security clearance’ while making any change in the existing director or appointing new director in a GA company operated by corporates. This letter will be followed up during the next meeting of HASSC.
- IBAC POC meeting in Austin, TX, 16-17 February – MD BAOA participated in the meeting of Policy & Operations Committee (POC) of IBAC on 16/17th February in Austin US. The issue of five stage certification process on acquisition of new aircraft on GA aircraft, as applied on airlines, was discussed in detail during review of IBAC’s flagship ISBAO program. It has been proposed to include optimal certification process, as followed by FAA/EASA, for GA industry to be part of special additional package of ISBAO program. This will be progressed with IBAC. Members are advised to adopt ISBAO program, especially for efficient induction and operations of advanced and ultra long range business jets.
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 22 February 2023
- Input to FICCI on Taxation structure BA/GA industry – Members are aware of the query received from Ministry of Commerce, through MoCA, regarding measures to decrease import and increase exports – ‘an annual exercise undertaken by the government before the budget each year. In this regard, BAOA has sent the attached mail to FICCI for compiling industry’s inputs. Further, BAOA has sent a similar request to Ministry of Finance for rationalization the ‘Custom Duty’ and GST applicable to GA/BA industry for supporting the optimal growth of small aircraft industry in India.
- Comment on Draft Revision to CAR Section 7 Series J Part IV on FDTL – As intimated in the last month’s updates, BAOA has submitted comments on the draft CAR for reviewing FDTL. After receiving BAOA’s inputs, DGCA asked for meeting to discuss our comments. The follow up meeting with DGCA took place in CFOI office early this month. Thereafter, BAOA submitted the attached additional comments on the draft FDTL CAR. The final CAR is expected to be issued by the end of this months. More inputs from members are welcome.
- Comment on Draft Revision to CAR Section 8, Series S, Part I, Issue II – EDTO – Please see the attached comments submitted by BAOA on ‘Threshold Time’ applicable to NSOP operators in the EDTO CAR. Our approach has been to follow the best global practices and the ‘Threshold Limits’ prescribed in the Aircraft Manual by the OEMs. It would be advisable that, members doing regular international flying, should apply to DGCA for ‘Threshold Time’ approval, specific to their individual company’s international operations, after ensuring all the regulatory requirements are complied with in this regard.
- Letter to JS, DT MoCA on appointment of Directors for Private (GA) Operator – Please see the attached letter written to Joint Secretary MoCA regarding BCAS officials at some regional offices applying directive on appointment / change of ‘Company’s Directors’, meant only for commercial operations, to the non-commercial (GA) operators too. We propose to follow up this letter and discuss this issue during the next meeting of Helicopers & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell (HSAAC), being planned for February 2023.
- Web Meeting on the proposed projects at Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, Kerala dt. 23 January 2023 – Intimation has been received from Airport Director Thiruvananthapuram International Airport on the stakeholders meeting planned to be held on 23rd Jan 2023. The proposed development project at the airport will be discussed during this web meeting. Web link for the e-meeting will be shared with the members immediately after we receive it from the Airport Director. Members, especially the ones, using the airport regularly, are requested to join the web meeting and send pripor intimation regarding their participation at
For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 January 2023